Bitcoin Weekly

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Bitcoin Weekly Issue #1

April 03, 2020

With Reserve Requirement for Banks Set to Zero by the Fed, You Need to Think Making Bitcoin Your Bank

During March 2020, the Fed announced several exceptional measures aimed at saving the monetary and financial system at all costs. The Fed's $6T liquidity injection will cause an unprecedented currency devaluation.

Nevertheless, another measure decided by the Fed constitutes a great risk for you. This measure is the Fed's lowering of the reserve requirement for American banks to zero.

This article explains why this constitutes a risk for you, and more importantly, why you should think about making Bitcoin your bank to protect yourself against it.

Who Funds Bitcoin Development?

You may have wondered who funded the development of Bitcoin Blockchain. This article published by Bitmex answers this very interesting question. You will discover that among the most important contributors are: Chaincode Labs, Blockcstream, Square, or Digital Garage.

The saddest thing is that platforms worth hundreds of millions of dollars such as Coinbase or Binance are absent from this list. In spite of all the money they have made from Bitcoin, these companies have not taken the part to help in return. Bad mentality.

Six Conversations We Need to Have About Cryptocurrency Now (But Won’t)

Mark Helfman, a very interesting writer on all things Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, highlights the six conversations we need to have about cryptocurrencies now. Unfortunately, there is little chance that these conversations will take place as he explains in detail in his excellent article.

GitHub Is Burying Bitcoin Code Inside an Arctic Mountain to Ride Out the Next 1,000 Years

An icy mountain in Norway’s Svalbard – an all but inhabitable Arctic archipelago covered in glaciers and inhabited by polar bears – is an unlikely safe haven for cryptocurrency code, let alone a pillar of modern-day civilization.

But it's here, 250 meters underground in a forsaken coal mine, that GitHub has chosen to store reams of open-source code. That includes Bitcoin Core, by far the most popular code implementation of bitcoin's underlying infrastructure and one of the most used repositories on GitHub.

5 Thought Patterns Holding You Back to Buy Bitcoin

Bitcoin was created for the situation we are going to experience in the coming months. This economic crisis that has been expected for months is starting before our eyes.

Faced with the decisions taken by the Fed and other central banks that are devaluing more and more what we have, we have to make the choice of opting out of the fiat system.

Unfortunately, some people are not able to do so because they are blocked by five ways of thinking related to the old system. This article explains how to break free from these blocks and take action with Bitcoin.

Bitcoin in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Two Possible Scenarios

Futurist and author, Daniel Jeffries, shared with Cointelegraph his view on the future scenarios awaiting Bitcoin in the aftermath of COVID-19. Interesting to read.

Binance Announces CoinMarketCap Acquisition, CZ Gives the Scoop

While global markets are experiencing tough times amid the coronavirus pandemic, the crypto industry is getting stronger as its core players have tapped one of the biggest crypto mergers in history.

Binance, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, has reached an agreement to acquire CoinMarketCap, one of the most-referenced crypto data websites, in an undisclosed deal. The companies officially announced the acquisition to Cointelegraph on April 2.

This article gives exclusive information from CZ on this acquisition as well as the short and medium term impacts for CoinMarketCap.

[BOOK] The Little Bitcoin Book

Published in the summer of 2019, “The Little Bitcoin Book” is the book that you must read if you want to quickly and concisely understand what Bitcoin is. Moreover, this book will help you understand why Bitcoin is essential for the future of the world.

Finally, the book also includes a question and answer section that will give you the opportunity to quickly discover the answers to all the most frequently asked questions about Bitcoin. A great way to discover Bitcoin.

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